Romanian Jewelry Week 1.0

The first edition of the Romanian Jewelry Week, an international annual event dedicated to the innovative and effervescent field of contemporary jewelry in Romania and worldwide, is dedicated to the 10 years anniversary of Assamblage. The ROJW in an innovative format adapted to the new global conditions. Durig six days of exhibitions, conferences, book launches, openings and guided tours, designer jewelry is revealed as a form of art and creative expression. The space of Bucharest Cultural Center ARCUB – Hanul Gabroveni and six affiliated locations are part of the official route of ROJW with exhibitions and dedicated activations.

ROJW 2020 will showcase a record number of 150 exhibiting designers from around the world. The event will highlight the collections of over 70 Romanian designers and has as guests over 80 creators, collectives and associations of designers from Portugal, Italy, UK, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Canada, Israel, China, Norway and the USA.

Maja Houtman is one of the exhibitors with four participating objects.

22.09.2020 – 27.09.2020 : Several loactions, Bucharest (RO)

The Romanian Jewelry Week is a cooperation between Assamblage, Bucharest Cultural Center ARCUB – Hanul Gabroveni, Galateca, The National Museum of Romanian History, Place of Display, AlbAlb and Dizainăr.

Institutul de Arta si Design

Assamblage – Institutul de Arta si Design

Romanian Jewelry Week Maja Houtman

four objects participating

Romanian Jewelry Week Maja Houtman

bracelet Silver Fleece

wrong showcase 😄