Author Archives: Maja

The 32nd International Jewellery Competition EMPATHY, Legnica

The 32nd International Jewellery Competition EMPATHY.
More than 500 works by 295 artists from a record number of 45 countries were submitted for this year’s Competition.
My entrance is a collier as worn by the “Schuttersgilden” in the 17th century in the Netherlands. I sewed on uncountless tears for what is happening in the world right now. The dove holds a broken rifle-pin, which stands for a call for non-violance.

on show in the exhibition Holownia, in Legnica, Poland, until 21 July

Hammerclub Lensahn

During the Hammerclub 2024 in Lensahn we had a small exhibtion of spoons. Spoons were send in from the world, mine was not completely ready yet.
I put it in the showcase unfinished, and to my surprise it got a few votes, so it ended as “third prize winner”.

Het voorjaar geknipt

Papierknipkunst of knipselkunst is het met een schaartje knippen of met een mesje snijden van vormen uit papier. Geplakt op een (gekleurde) ondergrond geven de omtrekken een mooi contrast. Het is zowel een ambacht als een echte kunstvorm. Meer dan twintig leden van de – in 1983 opgerichte – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Papierknipkunst hebben zich laten inspireren door de (bol)bloem en tonen hun werk.
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De natuur geknipt

For the exhibition De natuur geknipt in the Flower Art Museum in Aalsmeer curator Karina Tan challenged all papercutters to go outside their comfort zone. This resulted in a very special exhibition.

Among many other works, there are three shiborie cloths made by Maja Houtman, all ornated with many, many small cutouts.

This exhibition is one in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Dutch Guild of Papercutters (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Papierknipkunst).

30.09.2023 – 14.01.2024 De natuur geknipt, Flower Art Museum, Aalsmeer (NL)