Author Archives: Janjaap

Friedrich Becker Preis 2020
With the bracelet Vertebra Maja Houtman was one of the nominees for the Friedrich Becker Preis 2020. With the awarding of the Friedrich Becker Preis the Hanau Goldsmiths’ Association wants to commemorate the special person and great designer Friedrich Becker and, in his spirit, honor the best of a subsequent generation of designers. The Friedrich Becker Prize is endowed with 10,000 euros and has been awarded every three years by the Hanau Goldsmiths’ Association for outstanding, independent design of the highest quality.
Maja’s bracelet Vertebra was selected for the Friedrich Becker Preis 2020-exhibition.
23.06.2020 – 12.07.2020 : Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf (D)
17.07.2020 – 23.08.2020 : Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (D)
Friedrich Becker Preis in cooperation with the Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau.
Friedrich Becker Preis 2020 (teaser)
Friedrich Becker Preis 2020 (full version)

Art Jewellery – Eco Sight

HRD Design Awards 2020
International Diamond & Gemstone Jewellery Competion
Maja Houtman participated in the HRD Design Awards 2020 organized by the HRD Antwerp and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre. During the Grand Finale of the 17th edition of the HRD Design Awards, the world’s leading design competition in creative and innovative diamond and gemstone jewellery, June 21 the winners were announced.
Maja was awarded with a Certificate of Participation.Organisation
HRD Antwerp, Antwerp (B).

In the spirit of Jan Mankes
A century ago the Dutch artist Jan Mankes died. The Foundation Jan Mankes 100 Jaar commemorates this with a several activities, among others with a competition of works inspired by Jan Mankes, his life, his time or his art.
Maja Houtman applied with three papercuts and a medal. You can see them here. If you like, you can vote for one of the object for the public choice award.